Product Updates and News from the AgriWebb Team
Feature update

Bulk update Animal Load (DSE, LSU, AE, AU) on Mobile and record Recounts on the Web App!

Jess avatar
Shared by Jess • June 01, 2023

As part of the improvements to the mob platform we will be making this year, we've made some changes to the Animal Load record (DSE, LSU, AE, AU etc.) and the Recount record.

Animal Load record improvements:

  • Bulk update DSE on the mobile to save time
  • Backdate DSE records to accurately track changes to stocking load (web and mobile)

Recount record improvements:

  • Recount record on the Web App
  • Bulk recount mobs to save time
  • Backdate recount records on web and mobile to accurately reflect numbers in the stock rec

Remember to update to the latest version of the AgriWebb App to access new features.