We have just made it easier to track your branding/marking numbers in AgirWebb!
You can now accurately capture animals' birth dates while having them 'hit the books' at a later date (i.e., at Branding/Marking).
How do I get started?
All you need to do is make sure your Date on Farm is accurate, so the numbers appear correctly in the livestock rec report.
Save time in the yards with flexible live session templates, ensuring you can capture data crushside for better decision making.
Set up templates and defaults for different groups of livestock coming through the crush to draft, assigning management groups or treat based on age class, sex, weight or preg status.
Go to the mobile app, Start Live Session > Templates > New Template to get started. View the help article here for more details.
Make sure you update your app to the latest version on all devices.
Your new weekly job list is here to help you and your team know what needs to be done for the week.
What's included:
Simply go to the Tasks list on the mobile app to check it out! Make sure you update your app to the latest version.
A few small but mighty updates from the last month:
↕️ Multi select & re-order management groups in your live session template setup.
*This is available for Individual Animal Management plans
📅 Task list on web now sorts by due date, making it easier to see the tasks you have due
*This is available on all plans
💻 Breed column and grouping available on the mob marking report
*This is available on all Mob management plans
✏️ [Fix] Simpler recording of stillbirths; no longer require tag, move and mgmt groups records
*This is available for Individual Animal Management plans
🐮 Cattle hide colour can now be added via live sessions, import and individual adding flows.
*This is available for Individual Animal Management plans
Make sure you update your app to the latest version for mobile app updates!
Quickly view, manage and action planned grazes straight from the map on the mobile app.
Simply go to the Tasks mode on the map and to see the next move in each of your rotational plans. Click on the movement marker to record your movement!
Make sure you update your app to the latest version.
This new feature is available with the purchase of the Movement Planning or Grazing Planning add-ons, available for Compliance and Performance plans via the AgriWebb Marketplace.
See the following articles to learn more about our Grazing Planning add-ons.
Two new grazing add-ons are available, with new features added to the Rotational Planner and Grazing Chart Report.
What's new?
Available for Compliance plan subscribers.
What's new? Everything in the movement planning package PLUS:
Available for Performance subscribers as it leverages forage data features available on Performance plans only.
Our new packages are available as subscription add-ons via the AgriWebb Marketplace.
For customers in the United States, Farm Service Agency (FSA) IDs can now be assigned to the paddock details within AgriWebb.
Once FSA IDs have been entered into your Paddock's details, you can view them at the individual level by selecting the paddock. FSA ID's will now appear in your Paddock Summary.
Learn more about how to assign these IDs in your Paddock details here.
For customers utilising Rotational Plans and Feed Plans, the planned movement and feed records will be integrated into the task list on the Mobile App, as a key workforce management tool.
Key points:
Access to this update will be dependent on:
Learn how to create and manage tasks in AgriWebb with our help article here.
For producers running a supplemental feed program, creating a Feed Plan will enable details to be entered once, and then be pre-populated for each scheduled feed record. Significantly reducing time spent on recurring feed records!
Find the Feed Planner under the Tasks section on the Web App. Learn how to create a feed plan here or watch the video from Isobel!
The Feed Planner is currently available on Mob Management, Performance and Compliance (Essentials+) plans. Currently unavailable in Brazil.
We have introduced a basic and advanced mode for the animal treatment record to simplify your record keeping and allow greater flexibility.
The basic and advanced modes will make different fields visible. It is encouraged to add as much detail as possible to this record, however only the fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required to complete the record. See a quick video from me here.
A treatment record can be completed from either the Mobile of the Web App. Learn how to create a treatment record here.