Product Updates and News from the AgriWebb Team
Product update

October Product Updates

Jess avatar
Shared by Jess • November 13, 2023

Keep an eye out for these recent updates:

💊 Death and Treatment report topline summaries

Death report: Our new report summaries make it easy to gain insights from your death records. If you aren't already tracking your reasons for death, it's easy to do when creating death records. You can even customise your reasons for death - simply select 'Other' and create a new option to track.

Treatment report: Understand your reasons for treatment across your livestock. You can filter using the filter box in the top right of reports to get more specific insights on a group of animals.

🛠 Additional hardware support*

  • Farm XL - YardsTech
  • TruTest XRS2i / SRS2i on iOS

*This is available for Individual Animal Management plans.

📲 Multi-select drafts during Live Session setup*

You can now multi-select draft locations when setting up your live session, saving extra clicks!

*This is available for Individual Animal Management plans.

🧬 Artificial Insemination Sire VID visible in animal history*

When creating AI records, you'll now see the Sire VID in the animal history without having to click into the record.

*This is available for Performance Individual Animal Management plans.