Product Updates and News from the AgriWebb Team
Workforce Management
Grazing Management

Latest Product Updates For You!

Jess avatar
Shared by Jess • August 21, 2024

We've launched a bunch of exciting updates over the last few months, and we wanted to make sure you hadn’t missed anything! Read below for all the latest and greatest feature upgrades now available in AgriWebb.

🎉 Grazing Planner add-on package

You asked for better grazing management tools, and we listened. Explore our new Rotational Planner and Grazing Chart Report features, our first step in helping you better plan, manage, and monitor your grazing all in AgriWebb. Available in Australia currently, coming soon to other regions.

Explore new Grazing add-on package features

Workforce management features

📸 Photos on tasks

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this update is a pretty valuable one! Make team communication even more efficient by sharing photos alongside task priority, location and due date. Learn more here.

📲 Push notifications for tasks

Stay on top of your tasks with mobile push notifications. You’ll be notified when you’re assigned a task or when a task assigned to you is edited! (Ensure notifications on your device settings are turned on!). Learn more here.

👥 Additional user roles

Map Only, Map and Tasks and Read Only user roles are now available! From new staff and family members to advisors, accountants and contractors, you can now customise individual user permissions so that everyone can access the right data and records for their role. Manage users via the Web App.

Livestock management features

🗺 Paddock movement history

View movement records (including origin and destination location) in the paddock history! You can also see the origin location on the live session summary to help understand why you might see animals you didn’t expect in the yards.

*Available on all Individual Animal Management plans (already available for Mob).

🌱 Duplicate feed and treatment records

For recurring records like feeds or courses of treatments, duplicate them via the record summary.

*Available on Compliance and Performance plans

🐮 Grouping mobs on the mobile app

Group by age class and breed to find the mob you're after more easily.

*Available on all Mob Management plans

🍼 Bulk Birth Record

Not tracking individual births? Now you can record births in bulk (to remove preg status) and age up your heifers or maidens without tracking individual offspring. Simply go add records > birth record and choose the calving or lambing event birth record type.
​Available on Individual management plans.

*In the UK this is available for sheep only

Reporting and tools

📈 Rolling 12-month date range

On all reports, you can choose a 12-month rolling range to view your data.

📍Movement report improvements

See both origin and destination location in the movements report for simplified compliance, grazing and biosecurity reporting.

*Available on all Individual Animal Management plans

⬇️ Export the farm map

Go to Tools on the desktop map to export your farm map. This makes it easier than ever to port your map over to other tools where it may come in handy.

*Available to Admin users only, on all plans.