Product Updates and News from the AgriWebb Team

Manage your contacts

Jess avatar
Shared by Jess • July 10, 2023

Tired of looking up the same buyer details (PIC or CPH) every time you make a sale? Store your contacts such as buyers, suppliers/retailers, transporters, in AgriWebb to save you time when record keeping and keep your data up to date.

Keep track of your contacts in AgriWebb to:

  • Easily select when record keeping
  • Categorise contacts by “type” to ensure they show up in the right records e.g. add your traders as Vendors to ensure they show in the purchase record
  • Have contact information flow through to record reports for accurate reporting to meet compliance requirements

How to Get Started

Simply go to Account > Contact Management in the Web App to add in your current buyers, suppliers and other contact types so you can select them when creating sales or treatment records.

You can then create records and select these contacts OR add contacts on the go via both the Web and Mobile apps.

Contact Management is another tool to speed up your record keeping and enhance your data quality for better reporting.

New feature

Customise AgriWebb with Single Species Selection

Mark avatar
Shared by Mark • June 06, 2023

Running only sheep or cattle and tired of seeing the multi species options? Now you can select the species you manage to tailor AgriWebb to your needs.

Changes to look out for:

  • Set your desired species (sheep or cattle) under Farm Settings.
  • When creating records, you'll only see a single species option, making record creation that much quicker!
  • Reporting becomes easier and more specific to your operation, removing distracting columns and options.
  • Insights into your data are easier to digest
  • If a species already exists on farm, it is locked as visible so that the historic data for that species remains available to you.

Please note, if you run both sheep and cattle, this setting will not be applicable.

Remember to update to the latest version of the AgriWebb App to access new features.

Feature update

Adjust the sex of livestock with ease!

Jess avatar
Shared by Jess • June 02, 2023

You can now change the sex and age class of a mob between bulls and cattle, and rams and sheep without having to contact Customer Support.

Example: If you have a mob of lambs in AgriWebb that need to change to Ram lambs, you can easily do this on your end by editing the mob details and selecting ram lamb (or alternative) from the Age Class drop down.

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Feature update

Sale record dates update

Jess avatar
Shared by Jess • June 01, 2023

The Sale record has two dates:

  • Sale Departure Date (the date animals leave farm)
  • Sale Contract Date (the date the sale was made)

These dates can be the same or different. The Sale Departure Date will drive this record. This allows you to better track details against livestock after the sale is contracted and before they leave farm.

You can report on both these dates in your Sale Record Report and see the sale record in your mob or animal history. NOTE: You cannot set the sale departure date into the future at this time.

Remember to update to the latest version of the AgriWebb App to access new features.

Feature update

Bulk update Animal Load (DSE, LSU, AE, AU) on Mobile and record Recounts on the Web App!

Jess avatar
Shared by Jess • June 01, 2023

As part of the improvements to the mob platform we will be making this year, we've made some changes to the Animal Load record (DSE, LSU, AE, AU etc.) and the Recount record.

Animal Load record improvements:

  • Bulk update DSE on the mobile to save time
  • Backdate DSE records to accurately track changes to stocking load (web and mobile)

Recount record improvements:

  • Recount record on the Web App
  • Bulk recount mobs to save time
  • Backdate recount records on web and mobile to accurately reflect numbers in the stock rec

Remember to update to the latest version of the AgriWebb App to access new features.

Feature update

Simple and Easy Mob Creation

Jess avatar
Shared by Jess • May 01, 2023

As part of the improvements to the mob platform we will be making this year, we've made some key changes to make it simple and easy to create mobs in AgriWebb 🙌

Changes to look out for:

  • Add mobs and assign to multiple paddocks, saving time on creation. This saves time particularly when setting up mobs with the same attributes (age class, age, breed) and allows producers to split them across paddocks in one record rather than multiple.
  • Date of birth is no longer required! Use year, month or day accuracy, or if you don't know the DOB of an older mob, there's no need to track! This enables accurate data entry removing the need to put an arbitrary DOB for a mob, particularly mixed age mobs. “Do not track” is only available for mature age class and helpful for mixed age mobs. Do not track option is also available for Individual Animal Management subscriptions across live session, import and single addition.
  • Add your mob purchase details at a later date. Producers can now mark a mob as purchased without requiring a detailed purchase record.

Remember to update to the latest version of the AgriWebb App to access new features.

New product

The AgriWebb Marketplace is live!

Campbell avatar
Shared by Campbell • March 20, 2023

All your data, all in one place 📱

Forget multiple logins and data platforms, you can now connect your existing tools or find new ones to help you improve farm management.

Measure Less, Manage More

Uncover deeper, more actionable insights by automating the collection of data points that matter most to your business.

Make collaboration even easier

A better way to access all of your favourite tools and discover new ones that will help you and your team achieve farm goals.

Popular Integrations include:

  • Water Management
  • Pasture Management
  • Animal EID tracking and hardware

Plus, Implementation Services from the AgriWebb team to make setup and adoption of AgriWebb smooth sailing.

Mobile App
Web App

Welcome to the new Calendar! 📆

Jess avatar
Shared by Jess • February 01, 2023

We are excited to announce the launch of the new Calendar 🎉

Available on both web and mobile, this is a tool to visualise and manage your livestock records, tasks, farm notes and rainfall all in one place!

  • Create a task, livestock record, farm note or rainfall record by clicking 'Create'.
  • Click on a specific day to create a livestock record straight away*
  • A new way to visualise your daily tasks.
  • Filter your calendar by users, record type or farm event to find what you are looking for faster.

*Livestock records coming soon to Mob Management.

Feature update

Reporting Improvements

Jess avatar
Shared by Jess • December 23, 2022

Its time to extract those meaningful insights nice and easily!

Report Summaries

Understand your AgriWebb reports at-a-glance with new report summaries. Available for death, purchases & sales, feed and livestock reconciliation reports, these summaries turn your data into visual snippets that help you quickly find the info you’re looking for and make even faster decisions.

Now, a high-level view of what’s happening on the farm is always available whether or not you have time to dive into the details.

Record event straight from reports

Create records directly from reports if you notice your data is out of date. For all record reports, you will now see a green “Record” button which takes the user to the corresponding record form.

Weight and condition score insights [Individual only]

Gain visibility into your over and under performers via a live session summary of weight and condition. You can access these insights at the end of your live session or later through the livestock activity on the web or mobile apps!

Mobile App

Mobile App Improvements

Jess avatar
Shared by Jess • November 25, 2022

🗺 New map view with just paddock outlines. Infrastructure planning has never been easier!

🏗 AgriWebb remembers your map filter for your next session... less clicks all round.

🏷 Select Management Tag when marking or weaning mobs. Keep track of all your mobs as they move back out into the paddock.

⚖️ Daily live weight gains are now available on the individual animal card. Even more data at your fingertips!

🐮 Strategies for streamlined live sessions. Simpler live sessions using abbreviated management groups.